Authors: How to submit


• After entering the Homepage of the Journal of Development and Integration ( or, Author goes to the “Submission” or “Log in” section to switch to the submission website ( At the article submission website, Author selects Submit new article or goes to the Taskbar on the left, selects Author to proceed with submitting the article.

• Before submitting the manuscript, the Author should carefully read the Article Submission Instructions so that the manuscript meets the general requirements of the Journal.

Step 1: The author selects Submit new article to proceed with sending the manuscript.

Step 2: The author needs to enter the manuscript title and click Create new manuscript.

Step 3: At the “Start” step, the Author needs to enter all required information (marked with *) and check the boxes, then select Next step to continue.

Step 4: At the “Submit files” step, the Author needs to send the required files as requested: Article manuscript, Authorship confirmation, conflict of interest (Sample file), then select Next step to continue.

Step 5: At the “Additional information” step, the Author needs to enter all the required information (Author information, Title, Abstract, Review suggestions, Send comments to the editor (if yes) and select Next step to continue.

Step 6: At the “Check and submit” step, the Author needs to read and recheck the information previously filled in to ensure that there are no errors. After checking, the Author agrees to confirm submission to complete the steps to submit the manuscript.


The Journal of Development and Integration introduces information, publishes the results of scientific research projects and topics in the fields of Economy, Finance, Social Concerns and Education. Issues are published every two months and are widely distributed nationwide. Scientific articles published in the Journal are recognized by the State Council for Professor Titles for scientific work. In order to meet the standards of a scientific journal, the Editorial Board respectfully recommends that authors may submit articles according to the following rules:

II. 1. General Requirements

  • Submitted manuscripts are scientific ones that have never been published in national and international journals and conference proceedings. The authors are fully responsible for the copyright of information, research materials and citations in their manuscripts.
  • Manuscripts are written in Vietnamese or English (using words consistent with the Vietnam Encyclopedia; Vietnamese terms, if translated from a foreign language, must be accompanied by that foreign language; Abbreviations must have the original captions).
  • Manuscripts which are the results of a research projects managed by a regulatory agency must be allowed to be published by that agency.

II. 2. Manuscripts preparation

The manuscript must be written using Microsoft Word or any similar tools. The content must not exceed 7000 words with Times New Roman font style, size 12, except for the following:

  • Manuscript title: use Times New Roman font, size 14, bold.
  • Authors’ names: use Times New Roman font, size 14, not bold.
  • Table name, table content, table caption, table source citation: use Arial font, size 9. Table’s name is placed above the table.
  • Figure name, figure caption, figure source citation: use Arial font, size 9. Figures used in the manuscript must be clear and stated the source of the citation (if any). Figure’s name is placed below the figure.
  • Mathematical formulas should be presented using Mathtype or Microsoft Equation (not in image format).

All contents in the article (Manuscript title, authors’ name, heading 1, heading 2, heading 3, paragraph, figure caption, table name, list presentation, formula, method presentations, references) have been pre-formatted in the Styles section on the toolbar. Therefore, authors can download and edit right on this presentation guide file.

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are peer-reviewed by Scientists in the specialized field, who may or may not be members of the Editorial Board. The review process is carried out in the fastest time.

The Editorial Office sends the Editorial Board's evaluation opinions to the authors along with reviewers' comments and requests for corrections, including cases where the manuscript is rejected for publication. In cases considered for acceptance, the author is required to edit, supplement, and complete the manuscript and attach a detailed explanation according to the comments of reviewers and the Editorial Board. In case the first correction does not meet the requirements, the reviewer and the Editorial Board can request a second correction. If it is still unsatisfactory, the publication may be refused.

The Editorial Board leader notifies the author when the manuscript is accepted for publication and requests the author to review the final printed version within 2-3 days.

Order of content (comply with the content structure regulations of a scientific article)

The manuscript should be presented in a detailed layout as follows:

       Title: no more than 20 words. After the title is the full name and information of each author in order: (1) Main author and other authors; (2) Place of work; (3) Author's contact email and phone number (marked with*) and (5) Address to send donations.

       Summary or Abstract: from 100 to 200 words, including: (1) The importance and purpose of the research; (2) Research methods used and (3) Main results of the research.

       Keywords: 05-07 words in A-Z order, including important words that express the main content of the article.

       Note: Title, abstract, authors, affiliations & keywords must be written in Vietnamese and English

       1. Introduction: Determine the object and content of the research; research methods (adapted to the research object).

       2. Theoretical model, Research method.

       2.1. Scientific argument of the research object (Theoretical basis).

       2.2. Conclusion of practice, through analysis of “secondar”" or “primary” data or relevant events, drawing grounds for proposals (suggestions).

       2.3. Solutions and recommendations.

       3. Results and discussion: Discuss the research results achieved.

       4. Conclusion: Research results must be consistent with the goals and scope of the research.

References: Includes 02 main types of citations:

       • Citations: Record the author of the citation, for example: (Ziv, 2014; Anh & Tuyen, 2015; Anh & al., 2015; Wu et al., 2017 - for English manuscripts); Citation when including the author's name in the sentence: Kim and Russell (2023), Anh et al (2015), Wu et al. (2017) and footer citations.

       • References: The list of references is placed at the end of the manuscript in order A, B, C of the author's last name/authority issuing the document (domestic and foreign). The journal applies APA citation format, there are three main groups of documents that need to be presented as follows:

- Reference materials are books, textbooks, theses, dissertations, reports, research documents. Presented as follows: Name of authors or issuing agency (Year of publication). Titles of books, thesis, reports, documents. Publisher, Place of publication.

For example: Hoang Trong & Chu Nguyen Mong Ngoc (2008). Analyze research data with SPSS. Hong Duc Publishing House, Hanoi.

- References are articles in magazines, chapters, articles in a book, conference papers. Presented as follows: Author's name (Year of publication). Title of article. Journal or book name, Volume (Issue), Pages. DOI: link DOI (if any).

For example: Nguyen Thanh Tuyen & Nguyen Le Anh (2015). Organic relationships between institutions, mechanisms, policies, operating mechanisms and behavior. Journal of Development and Integration, 22(32), 3-9.

Marcel, J. J., Barr, P. S. & Duhaime, I. M. (2011). The influence of executive cognition on competitive dynamics. Strategic Management Journal 32(2): 115-138. DOI:

- Online references: Author's name (Time of publication). File name. Link to cited content.

For example: Gia Thuan (2017). Highlights of culinary tourism in Ho Chi Minh City. Accessed at Accessed on April 15, 2023.

- Reference documents are constitutions, laws, resolutions, ordinances, decisions, circulars, legal documents: Name of issuing agency (Year of issuance). Text name in italics. Document number, day/month/year.

For example: Vietnam National Assembly (2003). Law on Science and Technology. No. 29/2013/QH13.

Note: Cited documents need to be selected and authenticated for the article (maximum 15 documents). If exceeded, the Editorial Office may request to reduce the number of documents.

Each author is given one printed journal in which their articles are published. Manuscripts that have not been published after six months, the Journal looks forward to receiving other articles.